18th International Conference
Organ and Organ Music
27–29 September 2024 Place:
Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music
in Gdańsk, 1–2 Łąkowa St.
Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdańsk
Department of Organ, Harpsichord, Accordion, Guitar, Harp and Period Instruments
Department of Music Theory of the Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdańsk
Polish Baltic Philharmonic in Gdańsk
Pomeranian Society “Musica Sacra” Organizing committee:
dr hab. Hanna Dys
mgr Beata Kotłowska
dr Maciej Zakrzewski
Organ Students Club Mentoring:
prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Frołowicz
prof. dr hab. Roman Perucki
Event Coordinator:
dr hab. Hanna Dys Contact:
All enquiries should be sent by e-mail to the following address: h.dys@amuz.gda.pl
download the application form download the book of abstracts

Department of Organ, Harpsichord, Accordion, Guitar, Harp and Period Instruments, and Department of Music Theory of the Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdańsk invite you to attend the 18th International Conference “Organ and Organ Music” hosted between 27 and 29 September 2024. The event will be held on site at the Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdańsk. We invite organists, music theorists, musicologists and organ builders who would like to present their research and offer their reflections on broad topics of organ, organ building, performing issues, and organ music analysis. We also invite music students to participate and present their research in poster form.

The deadline for registering the speakers is 15 March 2024

The application must include the name and surname of the speaker, presentation title, employing entity or place of study, and an abstract in Polish and English (up to 500 words). Please include a biographical note of up to 150 words and three to six keywords. The presentation should not exceed 20 minutes. Each presentation will conclude with a 10-minute follow-up discussion. We will inform you about the acceptance of your application for the conference by 15 April 2024 and, after obtaining this confirmation, please make the payment by 20 May 2024.

Participation fee:
  • for speakers – 300 PLN,
  • for PhD students – 150 PLN,
  • music students (first- and second-cycle programmes) – free of charge.

The organizers provide registered participants with lunch and dinner, coffee breaks on the days between 27 and 29 September 2024, and the opportunity to attend the concerts held in the Polish Baltic Philharmonic in Gdańsk, as well the Archcathedral in Gdańsk-Oliwa.

The organizers do not provide accommodation. Participation for listeners is free of charge.

Post-conference publication is planned.

Speakers will be able to submit their papers, whose printed publication is planned by the end of 2025. The persons who agree to these terms should state this fact and submit the full text by 15 November 2024 at the latest, under the guidelines provided in the publishing instructions of the Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music’s Publishing House (Wydawnictwo Akademii Muzycznej w Gdańsku).

The conference will be accompanied by concerts of great artists, which will be held in the Polish Baltic Philharmonic in Gdańsk and in the Oliwa Cathedral. The event will take place in conjunction with the 12th International Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck Organ Competition in Gdańsk.

This year, the Conference speakers also include jury members of the 12th International Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck Organ Competition in Gdańsk: Naji Hakim, Martin Sander, Pavel Svoboda, Tomasz Adam Nowak, Bartosz Jakubczak, Krzysztof Lukas.

Framework programme

27 September 2024 – friday
S1 hall, yellow building
3 pm – 3.15 pm
reception of participants
dr hab. Andrzej Kacprzak – Vice-Rector for Artistic Affairs
prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Frołowicz – Head of the Department of Music Theory
moderator: dr hab. Joanna Schiller-Rydzewska
3.15 pm – 4 pm
prof. Tomasz Adam Nowak: On the Tradition of Fantasizing on Keyboard Instruments and Its Teaching Methods According to Selected 15th- to 19th-Century Sources
4 pm – 4.30 pm
prof. Martin Sander: Citations in Max Reger’s Phantasie und Fuge d-moll op. 135b and Their Implications for the Two Versions of This Work
4.30 pm – 4.45 pm
coffee break
moderator: dr hab. Joanna Schiller-Rydzewska
4.45 pm – 5.15 pm
prof. dr hab. Roman Perucki: The 1787 Różyny Church Organ. Regaining the Lost Beauty
5.15 pm – 5.45 pm
mgr Ewelina Bachul-Cienciała: Philosophy Encoded in the Notes. The Inspiration behind Roman Berger’s Exodus
6 pm
7 pm
concert at the Baltic Philharmonic
28 September 2024 – saturday
S1 hall, yellow building
moderator: dr hab. Hanna Dys
9.30 am – 10.15 am
dr hab. Krzysztof Lukas: The Musician’s Mental Preparation for a Public Performance
10.15 am – 10.45 am
dr hab. Bartosz Jakubczak: In Search of New Sounds. Mid-20th-Century and Early-21st-Century Solo and Chamber Organ Music Based on the Author’s Own Recording Experience
11.00 am – 11.45 am
presentation of POSTERS, foyer, yellow building
lic. Nikodem Pelc, lic. Miłosz Rybarski: The Use of Gregorian Melodies and Gregorian Inspiration in Selected Pieces for Organ by Marian Sawa
mgr Dominik Mendak: Cinema Organs and Traditions of Silent Film Accompaniment in the Second Republic of Poland and Today
mgr Oskar Maj: The Organs in the Administrative Division of the Lębork County
mgr Marlena Neć: René Louis Becker: A Biographical Study and the Characteristics of His Organ Works
11.45 am – 12.15 am
coffee break
moderator: dr Maria Erdman
12.15 am – 12.45 am
mgr Magdalena Ponikowska-Presseisen: Organ Case Design Based on the Aesthetics of Modern Churches Illustrated by the Installation in the Immaculate Heart of Mary’s Church in Kraków-Rybitwy: The Aesthetics, Concept and Methodology
12.45 am – 1.15 pm
mgr Adam Konrad Bigosiński: The Specificity of the Organ Building Technique of Paul Berthold Voelkner (1869-c.1945) in the Light of Recent Findings
1.15 pm – 1.45 pm
dr hab. Hanna Dys: Paul Creston’s Stylistic Idiom Based on His Solo and Chamber Organ Works
1.45 pm – 3 pm
lunch break
moderator: dr hab. Arkadiusz Bialic
3 pm – 3.30 pm
prof. Pavel Svoboda: The Year of Czech Music 2024 and Organ Competitions
3.30 pm – 4 pm
prof. Naji Hakim: Naji Hakim’s Organ Works and Thematic Sources
4 pm – 4.15 pm
coffee break
moderator: mgr Beata Kotłowska
4.15 pm – 4.45 pm
dr Maria Erdman: The Intabulation of Palestrina’s Vestiva i colli Madrigal in European Sources for Keyboard Instruments
4.45 pm – 5.15 pm
dr Marek Kulikowski: The Sources of Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck’s Keyboard Composition Style
5.30 pm
7 pm
concert in the Oliwa Cathedral
29 September 2024 – sunday
S1 hall, yellow building
moderator: dr Maciej Zakrzewski
10.00 am – 10.30 am
prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Frołowicz: Kazimierz Guzowski’s Triptych for Trombone and Organ: A Forgotten (?) Piece by the Gdynia Composer
10.30 am – 11 am
mgr Łukasz Tryba: From the History of the Organs of the Szczepanów Parish
11 am – 11.30 am
mgr Agata Krawczyk: The Two Faces of Teleology in Hanna Kulenty’s Works for Harmonium
11.30 am – 12 am
coffee break
moderator: prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Frołowicz
12 am – 12.30 am
dr hab. Arkadiusz Bialic: The 20th-Century Polish Organ Sonata: A Study of the Aesthetic Changes in the Polish Organ Music of the Past Century
12.30 am – 1 pm
dr Maciej Zakrzewski: New Developments in Contemporary Organ Music
1 pm
discussion, conclusion of the meeting
1.30 pm

The Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdańsk has been organizing international conferences “Organ and Organ Music” since 1977.

Both areas mentioned in the session title are widely discussed. Organ-related topics include instruments in particular eras and regions, trends (both aesthetic and technical) in organ building, conservation of period organs, figures and activities of organ builders and organ services providers. Also widely discussed are the issues concerning organ music, not limited to specific works or groups of works from the theoretical or performing aspects, but also including the activities of composers and organists, as well as the distribution and perception of organ music among the listeners. The outcome of the sessions so far has been the publication of sixteen volumes, of which a large part is available at the Academy’s Publishing House (Wydawnictwo Akademii Muzycznej w Gdańsku). We encourage you to to purchase the publications from the previous editions of this event, which make up the oldest organ-related periodical in Poland.

Okładki publikacji pokonferencyjnych

The conference “Organ and Organ Music” has a long, unbroken tradition and is the oldest event of its type in Poland.

It was first hosted in Koszalin, at a consulting office of the former PWSM in Gdańsk (the present-day Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdańsk). The conference gathers a wide group of organists, organologists, organ builders and organ music enthusiasts. Sixteen separately released publications presenting extensive research on organ music is a treasure trove of knowledge and serves subsequent generations of organists.

Historyczne afisze przeszłych edycji konferencji
Honorary Patronage:
Media Patronage:
The conference is co-financed by the state budget – from the funds of the Ministry of Education and Science, as part of the "Excellent Science II" Programme.